Editorial Board

Dr. P.K. Khare
Professor, School of Studies in Botany & Research Centre, Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur (M.P.) Email: chiefeditor.brj@mcbu.ac.inProfile Link: Click Here

Dr. B.S. Parmar
Professor, School of Studies in Hindi & Research Centre, Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur (M.P.) Email: bsparmar@mcbu.ac.inProfile Link: Click Here

Dr. Kalpana Vaishy
Asso. Professor, School of Studies in Political Science & Research Centre, Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur (M.P.) Email: kalpnavaishya@mcbu.ac.inProfile Link: Click Here

Dr. K.B. Ahirwar
Asstt. Professor, School of Studies in English & Research Centre, Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur (M.P.) Email: kbahirwar@mcbu.ac.inProfile Link: Click Here

Dr. K.K. Gangele
Asstt. Professor, School of Studies in Zoology & Research Centre, Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur (M.P.) Email: kkgangele@mcbu.ac.inProfile Link: Click Here

Dr. Molly Thomas
Asstt. Professor, School of Studies in Chemistry & Research Centre, Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur (M.P.) Email: mollythomas@mcbu.ac.inProfile Link: Click Here

Dr. R.D. Ahirwar
Asstt. Professor, School of Studies in English & Research Centre, Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur (M.P.) Email: rdahirwar@mcbu.ac.inProfile Link: Click Here

Dr. R.S. Sisodiya
Asstt. Professor, School of Studies in Geography & Research Centre, Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur (M.P.) Email: rsSisodiya@mcbu.ac.inProfile Link: Click Here

Dr. B.K. Agrawal
Professor, School of Studies in Commerce & Research Centre, Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur (M.P.) Email: bkagrawal@mcbu.ac.inProfile Link: Click Here

Dr. Raju Prasad Aharwal
Asstt. Professor, School of Studies in Sanskrit & Research Centre, Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University, Chhatarpur (M.P.) Email: rpaharwal@mcbu.ac.inProfile Link: Click Here